Our Leaders
The Genesis Church is led by Dr. Tecoy Porter Sr., and First Lady Karlette Porter. They have served on the Senior Pastoral team of the Genesis since the passing of the church's founder, Dr. Robert Porter, in August 1999. While much can be said about their attributes and accomplishments, their most notable quality is their genuine concern, commitment and care for those they serve.

Lady Karlette

Dr.Tecoy Porter, SR
Leader, communicator, scholar, and strategist typifies the life work of Dr. Tecoy Porter Sr. He is the Senior Pastor of the Genesis Church in South Sacramento, CA. He is also the Director of both the award-winning Porter Brothers & Genesis Choir and the MLK Celebration Choir.
In 2003, Dr. Porter led the construction of the Dr. Robert Porter Family Life Center – a multi-purpose facility which houses worship services, athletic leagues, and a multitude of outreach programs for the Meadowview community. In response to the tragic Stephon Clark shooting, Dr. Porter was appointed by the Rev. Al Sharpton to form and lead the Sacramento Chapter of the National Action Network, one of the leading civil rights organizations in the nation with chapters throughout the entire United States.
Dr. Porter holds a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership from Regent University’s School of Business and Leadership, as well as a Bachelor of Arts and Master’s of Business Administration degrees from California State University, Sacramento. Dr. Porter is also an adjunct professor at William Jessup University and Epic Bible College where he instructs and develops curriculum on the topics of business management, leadership, diversity, and ethics at the undergrad and graduate levels. A lifelong scholar, Dr. Porter, continues his studies in Public Leadership at The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Dr. Porter has amassed several recognitions from the United State Congress, California State Assembly, California State Senate, Sacramento’s City Council, and the NBA’s Sacramento Kings for his community leadership. As a leading practitioner in creating unity across cultures and faiths, Dr. Porter is sought after as a speaker, panelist, instructor, and coach. Dr. Porter is also a published author of multiple books and articles on leadership and personal development. His most recent book, Faith To Innovate: 21st Century Tools & Strategies for Leadership Transformation has received rave reviews and endorsements from leaders across the nation and is considered a must-read for those seeking to increase their leadership effectiveness.
Amongst his many accomplishments, Dr. Porter believes his most significant one is his 25-year marriage to his church sweetheart, Karlette Porter and being a devoted father to his three children, Tecoy Jr., Kamarion and Kara.

Lady Karlette Porter
Born to Lester and Martha McQuillon on August 18, 1970, Karlette is a native of Sacramento. She is an accomplished speaker, workshop instructor, and is known as an authority on intercessory prayer. Academically, Karlette holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Computer Science from Southern University at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and is currently employed with AT&T where she manages the Mobility National Data Center. Karlette is also an author who has been published in the International Association of Minister's Wives and Minister's Widows (IAMWMW) Devotional Bible.
Presently, Lady Karlette is the Chair of the Genesis Women of Wisdom (WOW) Conference. She was actively involved in the Sacramento Valley Association of Minister's Wives and Minister's Widows (SVMWMW), where she has served as President. Lady Karlette served as the Capital Region Parent Representative for the California Association for the Gifted (CAG) for 4 years. CAG is an organization of parents, educators, and community members who strive to improve education for individuals who demonstrate giftedness or gifted potential. In 2019, Lady Karlette was chosen by Sac Cultural Hub Media Foundation as an (EWOC) Exceptional Woman of Color.
Lady Karlette Porter has been happily married to Dr. Tecoy Porter Sr. since June 5th, 1993. From this happy union, they were blessed with three wonderful children, Tecoy Markee Porter, Jr., Kamarion Markee Porter, and Kara Thais Porter.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, traveling, and exercising. Her favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”